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Soil Lathe Trimmer Extruder

Soil Lathe Trimmer Extruder


Categories: Soil Testing Lab Equipment

Tags: Soil Lathe Trimmer Extruder


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  • Description

Soil Lathe Trimmer Extruder


This apparatus is used to prepare any size of cylindrical soil sample.
Specimen lathe function: from dia. 35×70 mm to dia. 110×220 mm
Specimen trimming and extruding function: from dia. 35×70 mm to dia. 50×100 mm-
The apparatus which can be used either as a trimmer or as a sampler consists of:
A rotating round base with reference guide where the specimen is placed;
A vertical threaded rod actuated by a wheel knob, whose purpose is to regulate the vertical height of the specimen and to maintain it in position during trimming operations;
An adjustable rod fitted to graduate slide which is used to check and set the diameter of soil sample
Adapter for grubbing the sample (100, 70mm) during lathing
Adapter for grubbing the sample (50, 38, 35mm) during lathing
Adapter for trimming (35-38 mm) and extruding (50mm) the sample
Adapter for trimming (50 mm)
Two vertical lateral rod which are used as reference guides far the trimming saw.
